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5 top tips to keep your garden looking fresh this summer

20 August 2019

Trips to the beach, copious amounts of ice cream and longer days are all reasons why we love summer, but did you know that your garden loves this time of year too? Luscious plants, beautiful flowers and even the grass can thrive in the sun and warm climate, providing you give your garden some TLC. Every new Devonshire Homeowner receives our Garden Guide when they move into their new home. Created in association with St John’s Garden Centre, this handy guide includes tips and advice on how to keep gardens looking wonderful. For now, here are five top tips from us on how to help your garden thrive this summer:

1. Pay attention to your lawn

Throughout peak growing season (June, July and August), make sure you mow the lawn once a week to keep your garden looking neat. You can also apply weekly weed and feed treatments to encourage a lush, weed-free lawn. If you want to take your lawn mowing skills to the next level, cut from a different angle each time you mow. This will thicken the grass and stop the blades growing just one way.

2. Keep on top of those pesky weeds

As the days start to become warmer, the weeds will start popping their heads out of the soil and between your patio slabs. They are inevitable but that doesn’t mean you can’t get rid of and prevent them. Keep on top of those weeds by pulling them out from the root as soon as you spot them. You can deter weeds by applying mulch or using weed mats. If you can keep on top of these unwelcome visitors, you will save yourself a lot of time and effort.

3. Create a border to add a pop of colour

The arrival of summer often inspires new homeowners to pick up their gardening gloves and create something that they will be pleased to sit out in during the warm evenings. Create a low maintenance border along the edge of your garden using plants that are suitable for all seasons. These could include Lenten Rose, Barberry, Californian Lilac, Oriental Poppy, African Lily and Winter Heath.

4. Plant summer vegetables

If you have a vegetable patch, now is the time to start planting vegetables that thrive in the warmer months. These will include beans, celery, corn, peppers, squash and courgette. In the South West, you still have time to sow salad crops such as lettuce, radish, rocket and fennel. Plant these now and you could be enjoying fresh summer salads and will have courgettes and beans ready for hearty stews in the winter.

5. Spruce up your patio

If you have just moved into a Devonshire home, the good news is that your new patio should be fairly maintenance free. All that’s needed is a little bit of upkeep to make sure your patio stays smart. Regular but simple cleaning is best! Hose down your patio and simply brush the dirt off with a soft brush. This should stop the build-up of moss, algae and dirt on the surface area. Summer is the perfect time to purchase some funky patio furniture such as a dining table and chairs, outdoor rugs, cushions and even a stylish heater to make the most out of those summer nights.

Follow these top gardening tips and you will be well on your way to creating a smart garden that you will be pleased to show off to friends and family. For Devonshire homeowners, you can discover more tips and advice in your complimentary Garden Guide. Lost yours? Please pop into your site’s Marketing Suite and our Sales Executives can give you a new one.