Continuing our 30th anniversary celebrations, we’ve been taking a look back at the key milestones we have reached since 1992.
Devonshire Homes has made South West Blood Bikes and Cornwall Blood Bikes its Charities of the Year to mark 30th anniversary.
Local independent housebuilder Devonshire Homes has planted nine mature oak trees across its new build home sites as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative.
Devonshire Homes has boosted its land team with the appointment of a new Land Manager, Yasmin Elliott.
West Country housebuilder Devonshire Homes has helped fundraise thousands of pounds for the William Wates Memorial Trust during the Covid-19 pandemic.
West Country independent housebuilder Devonshire Homes has extended its revolving credit facility with Lloyds Bank to facilitate future growth plans.
We are delighted to recognise the commitment and loyalty of four members of our team and congratulate Andy Smith, James Cleverley, Simon Howarth and Owen O’Callaghan who are all celebrating milestone anniversaries with Devonshire Homes this year.
Award-winning West Country housebuilder Devonshire Homes has appointed a new Managing Director, Angus Cook.
We will continue to implement our current Covid-19 safety policy across all our sites post Monday 19th July 2021.