In line with the Government’s updated guidance to the housing and construction industry, our Marketing Suites and show homes are now open across the West Country for appointments only.
Local independent house builder Devonshire Homes has announced that it is planning a controlled reopening of its construction sites from Monday 4th May 2020.
Check out our three new virtual tours of our new homes.
Our construction sites are undergoing a managed decommissioning process to ensure they are left safe and secure and all sites will be closed from Friday 27th March.
Please read our latest Coronavirus update from our Chairman, David Heathcoat-Amory.
We’d like to advise our customers and visitors that our Marketing Suites across the region continue to open as normal.
Local independent house builder Devonshire Homes has announced that homes at its second Bovey Tracey site will be ready to reserve from March 2020.
South Hams District Council has approved planning permission for a new homes development off Belle Hill in Kingsbridge.
Devonshire Homes is giving house hunters the chance to receive up to £8,000 worth of furniture when moving into a new home.